Friday, May 2, 2014

Pink Floyd Cd Label

This is a classic CD label that most people would recognize,  But the typography is terrible.  The near comic sans font mixed with the horrifying black stroke... it's like Willie's nightmare! I like the moon picture and the infamous prism, but the type is baaaaad.

Music Byte Cd Cover

This is a really cool idea. I like how the audio wavelengths of each song are displayed. However, why isn't it spaced to fill the back.  Or used another element of the design. it just leaves this awkward negative space that throws off thr design.  Weird. 

The New Record Cd Label

I love the design of this label. I'm a huge fan of negative space if its used properly. The name of the record balances the symbol really well, and the color scheme seems to match the font used really well also. Its a very very simple design, but I think it works perfectly.

Acoustic Patchwork Cd Cover

Fantastic play on words here.  Its punny really. But seriously, the design is great. The way the font is made out of quilt colors and you can see the left over string is a great thought. I also like the color of the background. I think that tan-brown color pulls together the whole piece. Good, ironic design!

Runaway Heart Cd Cover

This design isn't bad. Its meant to look like the classic black and white title and i think it pulls that look off really well. The font that is really full of serifs and the 3D style stroke is perfect. Plus, the slight gran on the design really pulls it together. The border and text decor is all really well done. Not the most original idea, but they pulled off the classic look really well. 

We Were Young Cd Cover

This is some very interesting photography on display here. I think it is suppose to be a moon made from some sort of fog or an upside down sky that we see through the trees. Its very strange and I'm not sure i like it. I love the broken font in the title and i like how small it is. But the overall aesthetic it just too far fetched for me.

Cherry Tree Days Cd Label

I think this is disgusting. Every bit of it. The font is ugly has no readability, the weird dotted line is out of place and doesn't fit in the design, and the puke green ring around the design makes everything look even worse. All bad. No good... At all.

The Eraser Cd Cover

This is kind of trippy but really interesting. It really hold your attention. I like how the whole illustration is black and white, but the name is colorful, although the graphic behind the name is really out of place and almost throws it all off. But other than that i think its a cool and interesting abstraction of the sea and sky, and it keeps the viewer guessing and interested.

Halina Larsson Cd Cover

This is an okay design. Its just a plain old autobiographical album cover with some awful 80's clothes and graphics and a strange color scheme.  You would think it would be opposite and the woman would be in color to draw your attention to her. Right know she just kind of hides in the background. No the biggest fan of this one.

Pale and The Botox Barbies Dc Cover

This is kind of great, to be honest. Its very energetic and exciting. The repeating shape of the figure rocking out really stands out from the plain gray background, and the way they overlap draw your eyes in to try and figure out what is going on. Its like peacefully chaotic. (that would be a good band name.... syke.) Anyway, I like this and i think the messy font pits perfectly with the energetic design. Coooooool!

M83 CD Cover And CD Label

This is interesting. I love how the band name is like a stencil in the cover and the same color is used for the CD label. I also think they somewhat algebraic and spacey design fits perfectly with the design of the Band name. The spacing is clean in both designs and the space cloud as a background isn't too much to where it takes away from the name, and its not too little to where it is visually boring. Nice.

Rain Album Cover

Under The Iron Sea Cd Cover

This illustration is perfect for the name of the album. If i were to imagine an iron sea i would picture pissed off raging horse waves. haha. But seriously, i think this is super creative and really well put together. And having the album name in the negative space in the top corner pulls it all together. Great album cover. Creative, simple layering and a clean, relative font.

Bastille CD Cover

Ehhhhh... Im on the fence. I love the band so i think it makes me want to like this, but its so centered and something is just off.  Writing All This in the sand is a great idea but it is just too different from the rest of the design. The classy black and white car and the clean, all caps sans-serif font is great, but then we have pointless quotation marks and a Halloween, creepy style "All This." It could really be better.

Love Cd Cover and Label

I love this design. It is literally the simplest design possible (aside from maybe the Beatles White album) and it is still so visually interesting and perfect. The 4 main shapes lined up to spell love, with a white back drop, that's it! Simple, just like the music.

Jason Mraz CD Cover

This design is interesting, but im not sure if i like it or not. It is extremely simple and made to look like it was hand written on a piece of paper, which it probably was. The simple handwritten note-like font fits the style of music on the album very well, but im not sure if its too simple.

Born and Raised Cd Cover

This is a pretty cool CD cover. The illustration is incredible. There is so much going on, yet its not too messy or noisy. I think the font works perfectly with the design and the design fits the record style. Fun design.

Mayer Cd Cover

This design is simple, but it has some problems. First, you lose some of the song titles in the white clouds. Also, i hate that the bar code is squeezed all the way up against the the corner with no breathing space. Other than that the photo is interesting and humorous and works well with the font choice.

Babel CD Cover

I love this back label. I know and love this band, so i know that this antique building and window sums up the style and sound of the band really well. I also like how they played on the shape of the bricks to make the song listing. Not a fan of the 3 or 4 different fonts, but other than that the design is great and simple.

Tangled DVD Cover

Not the most creative CD design. It looks like they just took the case design and just shrunk it down and put it on the CD. it doesn't look bad, accept for the awful black glow around the title, but i think they just took the lazy way out here.

Black Swan DVD Cover

This label was a great idea but its got some issues. If you've seen the movie you'll know the the cracked face photo is genius, but the typography is randomly placed and unorganized. I like the font, it is mysterious and creepy, but i do not like how the text is laid out. The actors names are left align, the title is almost right align but not really, and the text at the bottom is centered.  no good.

Jason Spencer cd Label

Eh.  Kind of unoriginal. The effected guitar photo, the cheesy hand written font, its all been done. I really don't like the idea.  It seems kind of BSed.  Not a fan.

Singer Songwriter Cd Label

This design isn't the best, but it works. I like the messy, hand painted guitar in the middle and the CD hole is the hole of the guitar. I also like the negative space. It pulls the piece together very well. However, i do not like the Band name wrapped around the label. I understand the name is very long, but its hard, and annoying to read. Other than that its pretty good.

Elvis cd Label

I like this design. Everyone knows who Elvis is, so just using his name as the whole design is great. Just the word Elvis in that classy 80's font makes you see him, hear him, and sing his songs. Simple, but genius. This was made by BMG Records.

Soul Emotions Cd Label

This CD label is pretty good. The font works well with the mood and the romantic color scheme. The jumping dolphins are extremely cheesy, but it works.  I also like how the text flows off of the label. The squares are awful, however. They don't fit with the rest of design at all. But, good design overall