Monday, March 17, 2014

Member Kiosks

Flight Kiosks

Digital Concierge

This kiosk is fantastic. the design is so sleek and modern it just is begging to be touched. Everything from the simple sans-serif font, to the slight gradient in the background and the buttons, to the elegant faded floral design in the background and the title. The whole menu flows perfectly, it has great balance, each aspect relates well to one another, it is just all around well done. It is a great use of negative space as well. A+

Jukebox Goes Digital

This layout isn't the best. It's very plain and simple with nothing to catch your eye. The lower case font on the keyboard is so basic. I also don't like how the keyboard is semi-translucent. It creates way too much noise and chaos and the keyboard lettering gets totally lost. Definitely needs some work on this page.

Burger Joint Kiosk

This is a very fun idea for a burger restaurant. It's like build your own burger, literally!  You pick the burger template, the toppings, the condiments and the number of patties. Great idea to attract more customers and make sandwiches more customizable. Plus it looks pretty fun.

Dine In Kiosks

Applebees let's you order from the table and play games while you wait. I've used this kiosk and it is incredible. You can pay 0.99 cents to play a game, order your food, pay your bill, call for a waiter or waitress and browse the desserts. It simply makes the dine in experience a little quicker and easier. The only negative is the waitress will probably not exist in the future because this little kiosk will take their jobs. But, the design is very visually appealing and modern and is a great technology... for now.

Theme Park Kiosk

How To Use FastPass+ at Disney World: a Step By Step Guide: #UndercoverTourist

Kiosk that let's you choose when you will be riding certain rides to cut down on wait times.

Make Your Own Kiosk, secure kiosk hardware, c/w remote management — let you create your own iPad kiosks  ← I would love wayfinder stations in my institution #HigherEd

A program that let's one create their own system to turn their ipad or iphone into a kiosk. An app inside a kiosk inside a ipad inside a kiosk. Kiosk inception! 

Tech Building Kiosk

Wayfinding kiosks are becoming more widely used at healthcare facilities to provide patients with directions. This is one such kiosk - the Slabb X10

This is the type of kiosk the we will probably see everywhere within the next few years. It is extremely simple, but it gets the job done. You choice the department, then the name or room number you are looking for. It makes navigating huge business buildings much easier. The kiosks navigation and buttons look very easy to use, which is the most important thing. Simple, but effective.

Interactive Subway Map

digital-subway-Kiosk. Cool.

This is another directional kiosk. I know i would use this. Subway systems are so extremely confusing. More people would be willing to use public transportation of they could figure out how to get where they need to go efficiently. The design is simple and easy to use. Just pick where you need to go and the kiosk displays an exact route and the stops you need to make. A long over due technology.

Digital Tithing Kiosk

Give Tithe Without Cash At Digital Kiosk | Corpus Christi, TX | |

Don't have cash to put in the tithing envelope at church? No problem with this digital tithing machine that works like a smart ATM.  It allows you to tithe any amount on money from your favorite credit card or debit card. It also allows you to print and weekly, monthly, or yearly spreadsheet of how much money you will tithe. Great technology to keep up with our very plastic paying world. I feel like more people would give to their church if they could swipe their card. This is a great idea to raise money.

Mall Directory Kiosk

Interactive digital kiosks

This kiosk is genius. How often to people go to a big mall like columbia mall and get lost because they cannot find the store they are looking for? All the time! This kiosk allows you to search through the mall store directory, and when you pick one, it shows you a direct path on how to get to that specific store. So simple, but very effective and very needed.

Dr. Sholl's Inserts Kiosk

Digital kiosks at retail: for Dr. Scholl’s, they're worth the challenge

I have actually used this kiosk at the Westminster Walmart. It is a great technology and works extremely well. The kiosk lets you stand on a sensor to figure out where the "hot spots" are on your feet, and then matches your results to one of the color coded gel in-souls for your shoes. The idea is kind of dirty because you take off your shoes and stand on the foot sensors... That's a lot of shoeless dirty walmart feet. So maybe if they made, disposable covers to place on the sensors, more people would use the technology. But, nevertheless i like the kiosk design, and the safety poles. it's a very unique technology, and works very well. Good stuff!

Interactive Grocery Store Kiosk

Tesco has opened an interactive virtual grocery store in Gatwick. Tesco use large digital displays, customers can scroll through the groceries and by scanning barcodes they can   add the items to their shopping basket on the   app.

With the downloaded app you scan the barcode of whatever product you want to add it to your cart and have it sent to your house. The kiosk is made for airports and possibly places like doctors offices or car care shops so you can shop for necessities while you are waiting for other services. This technology is incredible and so futuristic. Its honestly a very simple kiosk, you just search or scroll through the products. The real technology is on the smart phone app that allows you to scan the product barcode. The kiosk itself is very simple but very effective. Very well done.

Airport Kiosk

Digital Airport Information Kiosks Help Travelers Explore Their Destination City - PSFK

This is a cool idea of a kiosk. I love how wide it is so multiple different people can see and use the kiosk at the same time. This one let's you discover points of interest and information about your destination city. A great idea that gives flyers something to do and something to pass time while waiting for their flight. Plus it helps give vacationers something to look forward to when they get to their destination. I also like the font choice and the giant, wide layout. Good work, and an even better idea.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Quesadilla by Walk the Moon with Lyrics

This song is so energetic and free it would be great for the ending of my project 1 video. And the break down (2:50) could work for the beginning.  I would just flip the order of the song. Anyway, when i first heard this song, i fell in love with the intro. The drums and the quick keyboard riff are so intense, but still organized and attractive. I also like how that energy is carried through the entire song with keyboard riffs and great drumming. Very well done from the indie rock band Walk the Moon.

John Mayer - Queen Of California (Acoustic)

Im posting this acoustic version of John Mayer's, Queen of California because i like the intro guitar riff and i think it would fit well as the audio for my video. It is up-beat, but somewhat calming. It has a nice flow and sound, and my video has quick shot changes and camera jumps, so i think they would mash well together.

Dark Blue by Jacks Mannequin (w/ lyrics)

During Project 1, i actually added audio because i didn't know we weren't suppose to. When i first started looking for audio this was the first song that popped into my head. It is perfect for the build-up of my video. It starts with a simple, yet extremely catchy piano riff, and then a tom drum fill comes in, which is completed by the simple distorted guitar, which plays the melody line of the songs chorus. The instrumental (which is all we are using for project 2) in this song is great. It's up-beat and energetic, yet it is somewhat calming and easy to listen to.  Very well done. The song was written and preformed by Jack's Mannequin.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Radio Shack Commercial


This was one of the favorite super bowl commercials this year. Since it is new and fresh I wanted to see what the audio was in respect to project 2. The commercial is an advertisement for Radio Shack and how they have completely revamped their stores by making celebrites from the 80s come and steal all their stuff back. The audio used was a classic rock hit from the 80s which only made sense. I thought the chaotic rock song was perfect to help give the old and warn out feeling as the celebrities raided the store. It was honestly perfect. Very hilarious and a good sound track to back it up.